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Events organisation

In constant dialogue with public and private entities (municipality of Pesaro and Fano, Proloco of Colli al Metauro, Proloco of Carovilli, Proloco of Vastogirardi, Marche Region, municipality of San Costanzo, Embassy of Pakistan in Rome, Ambito territoriale PU, Sprar Tandem, etc. ), AnimaFemina creates events on topics of interest and anniversaries such as: "International Holocaust Remembrance Day" 2019 Pesaro, "Day of Jewish Culture" 2018 Fano, "Day of Resistance "2017, "Day of Sports" Fano 2020, summer festival "The Music of the Voice" for the Mediateca Montanari in Fano 2020. In particular, in March 2019 AnimaFemina hosted Simone Cristicchi, accompanying him in an event of reinterpretation of his great classics together with the ensemble Via del Canto, made of musicians from the world of different origins and genres. Another major event was the biennial festival co-financed by the Marche region "Sponde," dedicated to the world of poetry in dialogue with the other arts (photography, music, literature). At the core of the festival there was the Limen exhibition held at the Monteciccardo monastery in November 2020 in collaboration with the municipality of Pesaro.

Acting & Drama Classes

AnimaFemina has also partnered with businesses and private companies, taking the helm of the artistic direction of the musical programming. For three years-from, from 2019 to 2021-at Pesaro's OsteriaCheBici (summer venue and winter venue) it curated the event "Songs and Tales" featuring artists from different disciplines (music, theater, poetry, prose). For two summers - 2021 and 2022 - AnimaFemina worked with the company "Il Gentil Verde" on the scheduling of the summer cultural events, which revolved around the theme of farming and its country rituals. For the "Vita da Pacos" biopark, it curated "the Thursday concerts - Via del Canto D- fusion" in the summer of 2022.

CDM House of Music in Marotta

Since March 2021 AnimaFemina has managed - according to an agreement established with the Municipality of Mondolfo - the House of Music in Marotta. Here - in addition to the rehearsal room service - it offered music courses for various instruments throughout the year, as well as master classes and in-depth studies involving various disciplines.

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